Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts
Fun, Informative, Learning Experience
Call or Text for more info: 540-219-5623
Founded by Arthur Drago Sensei in 1972
Continuously Training and Teaching since 1965
Director and Senior Instructor
Barry Wake since 2004
Continuously Training and Teaching since 1972
Interested in learning more?
We have been here serving the community for over 53 years in Warrenton Virginia.
We are in the business of changing lives. Our instruction can give you the physical and mental power to REACH YOUR GOALS no matter what they are.
WHAT IS THE VALUE OF MARTIAL ARTS training? - In our daily lives we most often forget the value of exercise with its numerous benefits.
The most common physical BENEFITS from practicing Karate are:
Improved Health And Appearance, Cardiovascular Fitness
Uniform Muscle Development, Body Conditioning
Normalize Weight, Increased Flexibility
Improved Coordination, Improved Reflexes And Balance
Increased Stamina and Agility, Increased Speed And Strength
The serious practice of Karate develops composure, a clearer thought process, deeper insight into one's mental capabilities, as well as more self-confidence. benefits for your PERSONAL GROWTH include:
Self Control, Self Confidence
Self Discipline, Self Esteem
Integrity, Respect
Will Power, Goal Setting
Improved Concentration
The practice of Karate is not an end, but a means to an end.
You can start at any age and gain these valuable results, and use them in other aspects of your life.
We offer the following:
- Karate
- Hakutsuru (White Crane)
- Kobudo
- Iaido
The Director and Senior Instructor Barry Wake teaches all classes. Barry started his martial arts training in 1972. He has been teaching classes and seminars for over 49 years.
Members of Budo Kai Karate Do, Shorin Ryu Karate Do International, Okinawa Matsusokan Traditional Karate Association, United States Martial Artist Association, and the United States Martial Arts Association.
Mr. Wake’s focus of study has been Shorinryu Matsubayashiryu Karate, Shorinryu Kobayashiryu Karate, and Kobudo, Kohokan Konanryu Karate, Kobudo and Hakutsuru (White Crane).
He has also studied Isshinryu Karate, Kyokushin Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Judo, Ju Jitsu, Boxing and Kickboxing.
He has been very fortunate to have been able to train with some excellent, extremely accomplished instructors over the years.
"Each one has taught me extremely important concepts and precepts that has had a major influence on the the way I practice and teach martial arts. It has been a Great Honor to train with these individuals, some for decades, some for hours."
Come and Train with us or if you would like to schedule a seminar in any aspect of Ryukyu Bujutsu, Core Martial Training, Common Sense Self Defense, specific kata training, bunkai (Practical Applications) etc.
I think you will find our approach to bunkai exciting and enjoyable.
These theories can be added to any martial arts system and enhance your training, and bring life to years of kata training that may have become less interesting to you.
Kata (Prearranged Techniques) have many secrets built in. You can find them yourself with a little outside of the box thinking. We can share what we have found which may give you some ideas to work from.
"Humility, Clear Mind, Smart - Focused Training, Perseverance, and Dedication, - the price to be paid for excellence. To achieve excellence and then not to pass that learning along, with wisdom, to future generations is a true tragedy. So much has been lost in time; don't loose hard earned knowledge intentionally unless there is no one able to receive it."
Barry Wake
Committed to helping you achieve your dreams
"Ryukyu Bushikaikyuu Renmei", "Ryukyu Bujutsu", and "Core" are all intellectual property and the copyright thereof is in the name of The Ryukyu Bushikaikyuu Renmei, and Ryukyu Bujutsu. Copyright 2001, 2025 All Rights Reserved.
"Common Sense Self Defense" Copyright 1995, 2025 Consult / Consultco. All rights reserved.
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Shorinryu, Matsubayashi Ryu, Karate Do, Okinawa, Ryu Kyu, Bujutsu, Warrenton Virginia, Traditional Okinawan Martial Arts